RICHARD HAIG –  The Role of Robotics in Modern Workforce

Richard Haig is a pioneer in the integration of robotics into warehousing and hospitality industries. With a focus on increasing efficiency and safety, he has been at the forefront of developing mobile robotics for tasks such as tray delivery, cleaning, and even concierge services..

In this episode of After Hours Entrepreneur, we had the pleasure of hosting Richard Haig, the innovative founder of Haig Service Corporation. Richard brought his wealth of knowledge to the table, offering profound insights into the world of service robotics and the game-changing impact of cobots.

Our conversation explored the evolving landscape of automation across diverse industries, and we delved into the potential opportunities that robotics present for businesses and employees alike. We also discussed the critical need for raising awareness and recognition of the transformative role played by this cutting-edge technology.

Join us as we venture into a captivating discussion about the future of robotics and the harmonious coexistence of humans and technology in the modern workforce.

Takeaways with Richard Haig

  1. Cobots enhance human work by focusing on repetitive tasks.
  2. Service robotics address shortages and boost efficiency.
  3. Strategic robotics integration fosters technology-human labor harmony.

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Mark Savant

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